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Aðalstræti 12, Reykjavík


Open until 23:45

About Fiskmarkaðurinn (e. The Fish Market) Fiskmarkaðurinn serves New Style Seafood Cuisine where Hrefna Sætran and her team use local and fresh ingredients to prepare fish and meat with a modern twist. Founded in 2007, Fiskmarkaðurinn quickly became a favorite in the Reykjavík ambitious restaurant scene and remains both popular and highly acclaimed. In a unique atmosphere, Fiskmarkaðurinn has dazzled Icelandic food lovers as well as tourists from around the world with its main fusion being Icelandic and Asian… but nothing is carved in stone when it comes to the restaurant’s innovative team. For groups of 9 or more, please make a reservations at +354 578 8877 or by email : info@fiskmarkadurinn.is

Standard reservation

Reserve a table for our a la carte menu. No problem to change to a menu on the spot.

Þorláksmessuskata Fiskmarkaðsins 2024

Að venju verðum við með skötu í hádeginu á Fiskmarkaðnum á Þorkláksmessu. Klassísk skata, vel kæst tindabikkja, rúgbrauð og svo auðvitað nóg af hamsatólgi. Ábót fyrir þá sem hana vilja. Borðhaldið er 1,5 klukkustund og svo er ekkert mál að færa sig upp á þriðju hæðina hjá okku til að klára kaffið eða bjórinn. Skatan er á 4.900 kr. Einnig verður í boði léttsaltaður þorskur og sushi bland diskur fyrir þá sem kjósa ekki skötu ásamt nokkrum forréttum og eftirrétt

New Year's Eve 2024

On New Year's Eve we will be serving our famous Tasting menu. Please note that the menu can change due to availability of ingredients during that time. The seating duration will be 2,5 hours. Uppi (meaning upstairs from Fishmarket) our bar on the third floor where you can go before or after dinner to grab a drink. The house closes at 23:00 pm.

Tasting Menu

The tasting menu is a great opportunity for guests who would like to experience most of what we have to offer in a single night. It is a 6-course menu which includes many of our signature courses. For those who would like to know what it is on it you can always contact us and we will gladly tell you what is on it at the moment.

Premium Tasting Menu

This unique menu is something we highly recommend to try. Flavor combinations which we think everyone should try at some point. This is a menu only served for the whole table and some of the courses in this menu is only available in the menu itself.


3 rétta leikhússeðill að hætti Fiskmarkaðsins Forréttir til að deila Kóngarækja í tempuradeigi borin fram með sætum melónukúlum Bleikju sashimi new style þunnar sneiðar af bleikju með sesamfræjum og vorlauk. Heitri sesamolíu hellt yfir Aðalréttir eru val milli Stórlúðusteik grilluð stórlúða með greipaldin chimichurri og stökkum kartöflustráum. eða Önd í chipotle önd í chipotle mísó með black garlic frönskum Eftirréttur Hvítsúkkulaði ostakaka með púðursykur marengs, krapís og ástaraldinsósu

Night Out

Icelandic beer flight at Skúli craft bar 6-Course tasting menu at Fish Market Ending with a desert pairing The evening starts at Skúli craft bar across the street. Dinner starts at the time of the reservation. Price P. Person 22.900 kr.


Aðalstræti 12, Reykjavík, Iceland
