Viltu birtast á Noona?
Veldu þjónustu
60 mín
Fullkomið lag af hörðu hlaupi á nátturulegar neglur. Ekki lengja - Ekki fyrir langar neglur. No extention nails - Not for long nails. A perfect layer of Hard Gel on natural nails.
Gellökkun með styrkingu ( Manicure)
45 mín
Gellakk yfir eigin neglur með styrking- Nail polish with thin layer of hard gel on short natural nails. Recommend only for healthy nails and naturally beautiful nails shape
Natural Extension Gel- Small / Medium
60 mín
One Color Extension Gel-Small / Medium
75 mín
Ombre/ Baby Boomer- Small / Medium
75 mín
French Design - Small / Medium
90 mín
Extra Design Extension Gel - Small / Medium
90 mín
Natural Extension Gel - Large / XLarge
100 mín
One Color Extension Gel - Large / Xlarge
110 mín
Extra Design Extension Gel - Large/Xlarge
120 mín